Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Presidential Campaign 2012

And Bring Your Kids to Show Them Democracy in Action!

All American citizens who are at least 18 and not incarcerated can vote, but sadly not all eligible voters do so.
Read all about the history of voting rights in America in "Who Gets to Vote?" on

Use the suggested discussion questions to talk with the young people in your life about the value of voting, and most importantly demonstrate your commitment by going to the polls and exercising your right to vote on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6! Talk with your kids about the candidates and ballot questions on your local ballot ahead of time, then bring your kids with you so they can engage in the process!

To help understand the critical role of the Electoral College in the presidential election, check out "Getting the Votes and Getting Elected: The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College."

And, for even more information about voting in America, check out our resource "Get Out the Vote! Websites"  and the website created by the League of Women Voters, which enables you to find your local polling place and to build your own ballot.