Children’s book author Katherine Paterson, selected by the Library of Congress as the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, will answer questions from writer Tanya Lee Stone at 7 p.m. this Thursday, December 1, in a live, national, phone-in event hosted by the Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne, Vermont.

BookTalk Nation is a new series of phone-in author interviews sponsored by the Authors Guild to support traditional booksellers and highlight the key role they play in promoting a vibrant literary culture. Each talk in the series will be hosted by a local bookstore with ties to the featured author.
“I just hope everybody will support their independent bookstores,” said Paterson, who lives in Vermont. She said she was eager to participate because she’s seen first-hand how knowledgeable, committed booksellers help readers find just the right book.
Paterson will also be one of nine celebrated authors and illustrators speaking this Saturday, December 3, at 1:00 p.m. in Kresge Auditorium at MIT as a part of The Exquisite Conversation: An Adventure in Creating Books! This roundtable discussion moderated by NCBLA Executive Director Mary Brigid Barrett will feature: M. T. Anderson, Natalie Babbitt, Susan Cooper, Timothy Basil Ering, Steven Kellogg, Patricia MacLachlan, James Ransome, and Katherine Paterson!
Paterson will also be one of nine celebrated authors and illustrators speaking this Saturday, December 3, at 1:00 p.m. in Kresge Auditorium at MIT as a part of The Exquisite Conversation: An Adventure in Creating Books! This roundtable discussion moderated by NCBLA Executive Director Mary Brigid Barrett will feature: M. T. Anderson, Natalie Babbitt, Susan Cooper, Timothy Basil Ering, Steven Kellogg, Patricia MacLachlan, James Ransome, and Katherine Paterson!
This presentation is FREE and open to the public for kids over 10. Everyone who loves literature for young people and would love to learn more about the creative process, writing, and narrative illustration is welcome! Click here to learn more.