Study Proves the Value of Summer Reading Programs

Read the study: "Public Library Summer Reading Programs Close the Reading Gap."
Beef Up Kids' Required Reading with Themed Lists Aimed at Their Interests
For parents and guardians who are looking beyond their child's required list of reading, the summer reading program offered at your local library is a great place to start. Be sure to talk to the librarian in the children's room or teen department to find out what's hot with kids this summer and to get tips on how to keep your kids reading. Librarians are also excellent resources for parents who need advice on helping struggling readers and reluctant readers.
Also be sure to check out the following themed reading resources offered by the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance and other literacy and literature organizations:
For a digital reading adventure, share the electronic pages of some fabulous Classic Books on Read.Gov, such as The Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and The Secret Garden, all of which feature the complete texts and illustrations of the originals.
A treasure trove of adventure awaits readers of all ages in these books of yesteryear. The class book lists are organized into the following age groups: kids, teens, and adults. Adults won't want to miss "A Few Tales of the Rail" and "Masquerades, Tableaux and Drills."