Foreign-Born American Patriots
Now Available at a
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Now Available at a
Book Store or Library Near You
The NCBLA congratulates our volunteer writer and Advisory Board member Renee Critcher Lyons on the publication of her book Foreign-Born American Patriots: Sixteen Volunteer Leaders in the Revolutionary War (McFarland), now available on shelves in a library or for purchase from a bookstore near you.
Foreign-Born American Patriots portrays sixteen volunteers: the writers, soldiers, merchants, farmers,
sailors, guerilla fighters, pirates, financiers, and cavalry leaders, who traveled
from abroad to join the American revolutionary cause. Such portraits consider Patriots
John Paul Jones, Thomas Paine, and Baron von Steuben, but also lesser known
heroes, such as Founding Father Pierce Butler and Washington’s One-Man-Army,
Peter Francisco. Each profile discusses
the personal experiences influencing the volunteer leader’s decision to fight
for the fledging country, the sacrifices these brave men endured for the
benefit of an American victory, and the unique talents respectively contributed
to the war effort. All chapters include
a listing of landmarks (or in some instances, lack thereof) which honor these
incredible visitors or immigrants who ensured the perpetuation of the ideals
and values of the American Republic.
Renee’ Critcher Lyons is an assistant professor in the School Library Media Program at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, teaching children’s and young adult literature. Prior to her appointment at ETSU, she served as a school/instructional librarian for eight years at the elementary and middle school level and nine years at the high school/community college level. She is a graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts’ MFA Program in Writing for Children and Young Adults and the Appalachian State University Masters in Library Science Program.