A Sense of Wonder:
Stories of Nature, Science & History
Scheduled for April 5
In 1962, astronaut John Glenn’s historic orbital flight captured the public’s imagination and spurred an ever-growing fascination with rocketry and outer space on the part of America’s youth. That same year, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned that overuse of chemical pesticides was endangering the web of life on planet Earth. Her book helped to launch an environmental movement, stirring young people’s interest in ecology and in caring for the natural world.
As we recall these landmark events of 50 years ago, gather with other teachers and librarians to consider how stories of nature, science and history can be used to inspire today’s students with both a sense of wonder and conscientious stewardship.
Featured speakers will include Sy Montgomery, Anita Silvey, Catherine Thimmesh and Wendell Minor.
This conference is scheduled for April 5 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. It is presented by the John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
To download the conference brochure and registration form, click here.